2021 Trends in Spray Foam Insulation Equipment
By Kevin MaloneWhile the world faced one of its most tumultuous years in recent history, essential services like construction have soldiered on. Spray foam insulation continues to be in high demand because it is energy efficient. So, there is always a need for product enhancements and SPF contractors will continue to seek out spray foam insulation equipment from brands that offer good value and promise superior quality and performance.
Companies like Graco and PMC have risen tomeet the demand for high-performance SPF solutions for roofing, concretelifting, and building insulation. Manufacturers have addressed these needs toremain competitive and continue to add features that improve their products.Here are some trends to look for in spray foam insulation equipmentduring 2021.
1: Low-VOC Spray Foam
Industry research shows the VOC rigid spray polyurethane foam market is projected to reach $1.1 billion by 2024, which is a testament to the growing demand for health-conscious spray foam. Since spray foam is a popular interior insulation product, this focus on reducing the amount of volatile organic compounds is a logical step toward healthier building solutions.
To make this possible, manufacturers arelooking for ways to use bio-based materials such as soy to make spray foaminsulation to reduce the amount of petroleum-based content. While it used to beenough for spray foam insulation to be an air-tight and durable insulator, it isnow important that it be made of eco-friendly materials to ensure the safety ofindividuals who live and work in the buildings.
2: Reaching Higher Heights inPerformance
In 2021, manufacturers will continue the trendof integrating technology into spray foam insulation equipment. The year will embrace new sprayfoam machines that you can monitor and control with your smartphone such as theReactor 2 series from Graco. Manufacturers are also making easy data trackingand collection a priority, as well as automatic shut off when errors aredetected.
Improvements on classic staples such as theheated hose are on the rise. Graco has improved its Flex heated hoses, whichare specifically made for its Reactor series. The flex design is 20% lighterthan previous-generation whip hoses and has a highly-durable scuff guard, whichmakes spraying in tight areas easier.
3: Old School Charm
Innovations that address modern spray foam contracting needs are top of mind, but there will also be an emphasis on classically-designed spray foam machines. For example, the PMC classic series PH/PHX-25, PH/PHX-40, and PH/PHX-55 are featured in Spray Foam Magazine's winter 2020 edition and are praised for their reliability. This line of spray foam insulation equipment echoes classic designs that experienced spray foam contractors are used to, while integrating the power and output that one expects from a highly functional modern machine.
4: New Players in the Field
While dependable leading brands like Graco andPMC continue to dominate the market with incredible spray foam insulation equipment, theindustry also has some rising stars. The Intellispray system from Carlisle ison everyone's radar this year. Its IntelliSpray system offers a ratio accuracy ofover 99% and promises a daily reduction in spray time of up to 1.5 hours withthe same results, as well as automated reporting and processes.
5: Spray Foam Insulation Equipment That Is Easier toUse
In 2021, 'easy' is the buzzword that attractscontractors toward the greener pastures of quicker maintenance, assembly, andtroubleshooting. The Graco Fusion ProConnect gun is an example of this trend.It is currently the only spray foam gun that has a disposable replacementcartridge that allows a perfect rebuild in seconds. Also, the IntelliSprayspray foam machine from Carlisle has a 15? touch screen display that makes iteasy and intuitive to operate. The inclusion of conveniences such as these ison the rise and contractors happy that these new advancements will save them time.
6: Better Error Detection forBetter Results
It is every contractor's worst nightmare tofind out that they sprayed off ratio because it means a botched job and losttime due to rework. Graco, PMC, and Carlisle have all added automation featuresthat inform users of improper temperatures, material ratios, automatic shut offwhen off ratios are detected and more, and the trend will continue in 2021. Infact, Spray Foam Magazine's Winter 2020 edition cites error detection as a bigarea where there is room for improvement in spray foam insulation equipment.
7: Supplemental Sanitation Tools
In 2021, safety measures will be a top priority due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In the wake of COVID-19, contractors are ever more vigilant about making worksites safe and germ-free. As a case in point, Graco has addressed worksite sanitation needs with its new SaniSpray HP sprayers that products disinfect, sanitize and deodorize any space and continues one Graco's promise to provide a sprayer for every type of job.
The SaniSpray HP is an airless sprayer thatdelivers consistent thickness and coverage with List-N disinfectants across awide variety of surfaces. Having such a sprayer on hand can expand your jobofferings to include post-work site sanitation or cleaning other public spaces.
Graco SprayFoam Insulation Equipment for Sale At Intech Equipment & Supply
If you are interested infinding sprayfoam insulation equipment for sale,speak with our sales team today. Take advantage of our convenient financingoptions. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
Shop online atIntechEquipment.com. Our team is readyto help you find the spray foam equipment and accessories you need.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.