3 Tips for Selecting Graco Spray Equipment & Machines
By Kevin MaloneWhen it is time to replace old equipment or expand your growing spray foam business, selecting the right equipment matters. Before you make a large purchase, be sure that you are making a good investment. At Intech Equipment and Supply, we know how important it is to have dependable, long-lasting equipment that works just as hard as you do. This is why we recommend Graco spray equipment.
Graco products are well-known in the spray foam industry because they deliver top-of-the-line performance and offer advanced features. The brand's innovations directly address the problems SPF contractors face on the job by helping to streamline operations. Whether you need an upgrade or a replacement for outdated machinery, we can guide you toward excellent choices for your business needs. Here are 3 tips for selecting Graco spray equipment and machines.
Tip 1: Do Your Research
Buying Graco spray equipment is not a typical businessexpense. It is important to make the right decision the first time because ofthe large upfront cost. Though we do have a new equipment return policy, youcan lose precious time while you work with a machine that is not appropriatefor the types of projects you do. So, it is important to research all the differentGraco spray machinesbefore you decide which one to buy.
If you are interested in getting new Gracospray equipment, go to our Intech Store and explore our current Graco spray machine listings. Under each product description, youwill find details on the machine's output, compatible technology, and otheruseful information to help you determine if it is the product you need. You canalso find product manuals and diagrams that show you what features areavailable for each model. Our customer care team can also answer any of yourquestions about any new or used Graco equipment in stock.
Tip 2: Weigh the Cost with ItsBenefits
Since Graco spray equipmentis priced according to its long-term value, be sure to weigh the cost of eachitem with the benefits. For instance, if you need a dependable spray foammachine for residential insulation, a mid-range proportioner like the GracoE-30 is perfect for the job, but the simpler Graco spray machine such as the E-20 is also agood choice for many small-scale jobs. However, if your business includes smallcommercial jobs, the E-30 is a better investment because of its greater power.
Another question to ask yourself is if youneed a small machine like the Graco E-10 for touch-ups or if a commercial sprayfoam kit is enough. If you do frequent touch-ups, an E-10 will save you moneyin the long run. However, if you do touch-ups infrequently, a commercial sprayfoam kit will suffice. Overall, be sure the equipment you buy is sufficient foryour operations to ensure the best results and client satisfaction.
Tip 3: Do Not Sacrifice on theThings You Really Need
While it is smart to not spend beyond yourmeans, there are times when you need to make specific upgrades to take yourbusiness to the next level. If the lack of a second rig or a faulty, oldmachine is holding you back, you need to purchase better equipment as soon aspossible. Intech offers a 12-month financing program with 0% interest on selectnew equipment, including Gracospray machines. So, if you have had your eye on a Reactor 2 proportionerwith the Insite App or other Gracospray equipment, this is an excellent time to get an upgrade.
Investing in technology like this enables youto be at two sites at once but keep track of the progress of all the machinescompatible with your app. It also tracks performance so you can give yourclients an accurate account of work performed while on the job. Do not settlefor generic products that ultimately slow you down. Instead, keep resultsconsistent with the latest Graco products.
Graco Spray Equipment and MachinesAt Intech Equipment & Supply
If you need high-quality Graco equipment now,take advantage of our financing options for 2020. Our handy financing calculator will help you understandyour payment options for new or used Graco equipment.
Contact us. Our team is readyto meet your unique spray foam equipment and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.