The Hidden Costs of Cheaper Spray Foam Guns
By Kevin MaloneYou’ve probably heard it before: You get what you pay for. It’s an old saying that may date back to ancient Rome where Cicero said the quality of goods and services is directly proportional to their price.
When it comes to your spray foam contracting business, you have choices in the equipment you buy. For example, do you invest in a high-quality PMC spray foam gun, or can you get by with a lower-quality option? While the decision is up to you, the wrong choice can impact quality and efficiency—potentially costing you jobs and hurting your bottom line.
You might save a few bucks upfront, but you can blow those savings in one day if your equipment fails to perform.
Concerns With Low-Cost Spray Foam Guns
Here are some of the top issues you may have with using a low-cost spray foam gun.
Breakdowns and Disruptions
Cheap foam guns tend to have more mechanical issues, leading to work stoppages and lost time:
- More Downtime: Components like pumps, heaters, and electrical connections are more prone to breaking, resulting in equipment failures that shut down spray jobs. Repairs take time, along with trial-and-error testing before resuming application work.
- Hidden Costs: Each breakdown adds hidden costs in the form of technician troubleshooting time, tools, diagnostic parts, and service expenses. Equipment problems eat into application time, which is what pays the bills.
- Wasted Materials: Stalled jobs with chemicals that have already been pulled into the hoses or equipment chambers are wasted. If they cure or clog equipment, you have to shut everything down to do a thorough cleaning. This might require rebuilding spray foam guns on site.
Higher Cost-Per-Job
These issues result in a higher cost-per-job. We’ll say it again: you can save some money upfront, but you might just end up losing all of your savings on one misfire. Plus, you will be paying for that mistake over and over until you bite the bullet and upgrade to a higher-quality gun, such as a PMC spray foam gun.
You also have lost-opportunity cost. Every extra hour you have to spend on a job is one more hour you could be working on a new job and earning new revenue.
Lower Foam Quality
Low-cost foam guns can also create problems in foam, resulting from poor system controls. For example, less expensive spray foam guns may have problems maintaining the proper 1:1 chemical ratio for proper spray foam application. Off-ratio foam can fail to meet specs for insulation, react poorly, and degrade more quickly.
This may result in more rework—expanding the time you spend on jobs and driving up your production costs.
Reasons to Buy a PMC Spray Foam Gun
There are plenty of great reasons to buy a PMC spray foam gun, but here is the best one: you avoid all the problems we just talked about. PMC has a proven track record of producing spray foam equipment at the highest levels. PMC equipment is reliable and battle-tested for the most demanding spray foam environments.
With precision components, tight temperature controls, and highly available replacement parts, you can trust PMC spray foam guns to deliver the consistent performance you need to build your reputation as a premium spray foam contractor. PMC spray foam guns deliver top performance through advanced technology for precise control over material flow ratios for consistent, high-quality foam application.
Need more reasons to buy a PMC spray foam gun? Here is our list:
- With a lightweight construction and ergonomically designed handles, PMC guns offer users comfort and efficiency on the job.
- The guns work with a wide variety of open-cell, closed-cell, and specialty spray foam materials, providing versatility for diverse applications.
- Modular components and easily replaceable parts simplify maintenance and repairs for PMC foam equipment.
- By complying with all major industry standards and regulations, PMC guns ensure safe, compliant, and reliable operation.
- Comprehensive PMC technical support and training programs provide customers the guidance for success with new foam gun packages.
Intech Equipment and Supply
Intech Equipment & Supply is a leading distributor of PMC spray foam equipment. With everything from spray foam guns to proportioners, parts, and accessories, and turnkey spray foam rigs, Intech Equipment & Supply has the experience to help you build a successful spray foam business.
Looking for a PMC spray foam gun or spray foam equipment from other top manufacturers? Contact Intech Equipment & Supply at 866-652-9975 or contact us online today.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.