Trust Graco | Buy Spray Foam Rig

By Kevin Malone

As a leading supplier of spray foam equipment,parts and accessories from top manufacturers, Intech Equipment and Supply closely monitors the SPF market. When newequipment is introduced, its expert team tests it before it recommends it toclients. After monitoring Carlisle spray foam equipment,Intech is excited about the Carlisle Construction Material's decision to sellspray foam machines....

Contractors who are familiar with Carlisle spray foam insulation (CSFI) can now add the Carlisle IntelliSpray system to their inventory. The system is designed based on Carlisle's industry expertise and demonstrates its dedication to manufacturing high-quality products that meet the needs of spray foam contractors. This is a summary of the Carlisle spray foam equipment system.

The Carlisle IntelliSpray System

CSFI has developed the IntelliSpray Systemafter acquiring Accella Polyurethane Systems, a former leader in the SPFindustry. It includes a spray foam machine, Carlisle spray foam gun, and QuickHeat hoses.

The overall goal of the system is to helpcontractors improve spray accuracy so they can achieve better applicationconsistently and improve operator productivity. The system is a complete SPFsolution that includes the following components:

  • IS40 Intellispray Proportioner
  • ST1 Air Purge Spray Gun
  • QuickHeat Hose

It offers contractors material savings of$100-$150, reduces the risk of spraying off-ratio, and shaves about 2 hours offa typical 8-hour job. Contractors can improve on-the-job productivity becauseit produces better yields and wastes less time during startup.

The IS40 IntelliSprayProportioner

The key component of the system is the IS40 IntelliSpray proportioner. It meets the needs of spray foam contractors by addressing common project-related issues and by providing an overall better application experience.

It is easy to use. It has intuitive controlsand automation features that make it easy to select the correct settings. The15' full-color touchscreen control panel is easy to read and allows crewmembers to user clear, intuitive commands to manage its industrial-gradeoperating system. They receive continual information on the machine'sperformance, can automate tasks and confirmation when a job is complete.

The IS40 is optimized to control the material mixto maintain near-perfect on-ratio control. Independent, servo-driven motorswork together with integral flow meters to ensure optimal A&B material flow,which produces consistent results that clients love.

The flow meters are equipped with Carlisle'sIntelliSense Technology to ensure a 1:1 ratio. If the system detects an off-ratiocondition, the machine automatically shuts down to prevent any mishaps.

If you need power, this machine delivers. TheIS40 sprays most fluids at higher pressures, with a maximum psi of 2,000. Thisleads to greater yields in a shorter amount of time since the maximum output isaround 40 lb/minute. This output rivals the productivity of spray foam machinesfrom other top brands in the SPF industry and makes it a useful addition to anyspray foam rig.

The ST1 Spray Gun

The ST1 is an air-purge spray gun that hasbeen optimized to boost comfort and control. It is among the lightest sprayfoam guns in its class, is intuitively designed and is easy to service. As thefirst Carlislespray foam gun on the market, it also offers many benefits thatcontractors seek such as increased uptime and better spray precision.

The ST1 has quick-change mix tips that offer both precision and application consistency. This makes it a highly-versatile spray gun that can cover a lot of area as well as one that can be used to apply smaller amounts of material in tighter areas. The ability to change tips also reduces overspray build-up, which means operators spend more time spraying and less time fixing problems.

The ST1 is lightweight and balanced, making itone of the easiest spray foam guns to handle. Since it weighs just 2.38 lbswithout its manifold, it rivals top competitors, and by reducing sprayerfatigue, operators can apply spray foam longer and with more consistency.

Winged handles make the Carlisle spray foam gunmore balanced since the weight load is transferred from the fingers to the arm.This offers more stability and reduces operator fatigue. For added convenience,the ST1 also comes with a strap that secures the gun to a user's hand andallows fingers to rest.

The QuickHeat Hose

A good hose makes all the difference, and the CarlisleQuickHeat hose rises to the challenge by keeping materials at the best possiblecondition during application. It answers contractors' need for a durable,functional hose that interacts seamlessly with the proportioner, and itsefficient heating system reduces machine warmup time by up to 50%.

There is also a powerful internal heater wirethat enables over 90 degrees Fahrenheit of system DeltaT, which decreases theneed to recirculate or preheat materials, and independent A & B sensors workwith the IS40 and ST1 to ensure the temperature remains correct for the entire jobduration. 

Carlisle Spray Foam Equipment AtIntech Equipment & Supply

If you are interested in purchasing Carlisle spray foam equipment for your rig, contact our expert sales and support team today. Do not forget that until December 2020, you can take advantage of our convenient financing options. For more information, check out our financing calculator.

About Kevin Malone
Kevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.


Intech Equipment & Supply was founded in 1995, and has since grown to become the leader in spray foam equipment, mobile spray foam rigs, and parts supplier. With locations all across North America we are available when you need us most.
