How to Maintain Graco Spray Foam Parts and Accessories
By Kevin MaloneGraco is one of the top brands that develop innovative sprayfoam equipment and accessories. To retain their excellent performance, it'simportant to take care of these products consistently and correctly.
On our Intech website, you can find exploded diagrams and manuals for all the Graco spray foam products we carry. In these resources, you can find valuable information like maintenance intervals, recommended care procedures, and the product numbers for replacement parts. Please consult these to find out all of Graco's recommended maintenance instructions for your specific product.
While each piece of your Graco spray foam equipment will have their unique maintenance requirements, here are some basic tips about maintaining your graco spray equipment and accessories.
Material Drums and Transfer Pumps
The source of all spray foam work begins in the materialdrum and transfer pumps. Here's how to maintain these components.
- Material Drum: Your materials should be kept securely in tanks under the recommended conditions. It may be necessary to use a Powerblanket Drum Heater to keep the materials insulated during the winter. Trap moisture before it causes crystallization with a desiccant filter.
- Transfer Pumps:Clean these regularly and keep them free of any solid material when youexchange your drums. Inspect these regularly for any sign of wear or tear.
Graco Proportioner Maintenance
The basic components of a proportioner are a motor and setof pumps. However, your Graco machine can, and most likely will, have moreadvanced components. Overall, your Graco machine mixes and pressurizes theright proportion of chemicals to create spray foam insulation. Here's how tomaintain these parts:
Motor: This willbe run by either electric. The motor powers the pump that pressurizes thematerials drawn from the storage tank.
- Electric: Regularlyinspect its electrical connections, power cords, and drive couplings. Lubricatebearings as needed and always be on the lookout for exposed wires or externaldamage to the machine.
Pumps: Theseparts pressurize materials so that it can be sent into the spray foam gun.Here's how to keep them functioning well.
- Check the Y-strainers: These are prone to clogs as they prevent large particles fromthe transfer pump from entering the proportioner. Check the Y-strainersregularly to ensure there are no blockages.
A & B Hoses: These need a daily inspection to check for frays and leaks. If you have a heated hose like the Akurate Dynamics Deltalite Heated Hose, make sure its sections are heating up properly.
Graco Spray Foam Gun Maintenance
This is where the chemical reaction happens as the twocomponents mix and send out spray foam. Here are some key maintenancerequirements.
- Regularcleaning: Generally, all types of spray foam guns should be cleaned afterevery use. The most common place where problems start is at the tip. It'simportant to clean this part regularly to prevent buildup within the gun. Afterevery use, coat the gun with a silicone mold release compound to preventbuildup from developing as it sits in storage. Clean the chambers and gun'sinterior with manufacturer recommended solvents. Check the filter screens ando-rings to ensure they are in good condition.
Graco Replacement Parts
For the best performance, we recommend only using OEM partsfrom Graco. Though it's easy to find alternatives to these parts online, theyaren't made specifically for your Graco equipment and won't be an exact fit.You risk more downtime in exchange for saving a bit of money on parts, but inthe end, this will cost you more monetary loss.
Spray Foam Equipment For Sale
Intech Equipment and Supply proudly sells expert-recommended equipment. All of Graco's products are carefully designed to be easy to troubleshoot and maintain. By following their product manual guidelines and having access to Graco parts and accessories, you can keep your proportioner and guns running smoothly for years.
Contact us to see what's new and what Graco spray foam rigs, machines, guns, and accessories we can recommend for you spray foam business.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.