How to Trick Out Your Spray Foam Rig with the Best Equipment
By Kevin MaloneIs it time to part wayswith your 'starter' spray foam rig? Has your business grown and your needs changed?Are you tired of faulty equipment that is difficult to troubleshoot, causingyou delays and dissatisfied clients? You know when it is time to upgrade yourequipment. Adapt your rig to satisfy the requirements of your evolving businessby getting all the items on your wish list. Here is how to get the bestspray foam rigfor your needs.
Prioritize Your Greatest Needs
Evaluate your past jobsand get feedback from your team to determine what the top concerns about your currentrig are. Is one of your machines spraying off-ratio and creating the need for alot of do-overs? Do you struggle to meet the demands of a commercial job withyour mid-output spray foam machine? Is an old spray foam gun cloggingincessantly and forcing you to pause operations to dismantle it and clear theblockage?
The problems and needsfor each contractor or company differ based on the type of equipment they ownand the types of jobs they do. Residential workers who need to reach tightareas will have a tough time with a large machine and may need to buy anadditional small unit. So, if problems with your spray foam gun are causing alot of interruptions and downtime on job sites, replacing it should be your toppriority.
The amount of equipmentyou upgrade depends on your budget and business goals. If your budget islimited, address your biggest pain points first. If you find that you need toreplace several critical pieces of equipment, but do not have the budget to payupfront for all of them, take advantage of our financing options for both usedand new equipment. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
Create Your Best Spray Foam Rig With TheseFavorites
All contractors have equipment preferences, but overall, this is an overview of some of our top sellers. We can customize your spray foam rig with these items and more depending on your specific needs. Contact our experts to learn what types of equipment would help resolve your pain points and boost your business.
Get a Lighter Spray Foam Gun
If you have older spray foam guns, they probably weigh more than some modern options. For instance, at 2.4 lbs., PMC's AP-3 is one of the lightest guns in its class on the market. Carlisle's ST1 gun weighs even less at 2.38 lbs., and Graco's P2 weighs 3.9 lbs. Switching to one of these lightweight guns can enable you to hold the trigger longer so you can complete jobs more quickly.
Get Convenient Remote Control andMonitoring:
Not too long ago, contractors had to have a trusted person on-site or be physically present to monitor and control spray foam machines. Today, you do not need to do that. If you have found it challenging to stay on top of operations in person and need more freedom, upgrade to a Graco machine that is compatible with the Reactor App, such as the Reactor 2 E-30. This will allow you to monitor job progress and control the spray foam machine from your smartphone. Carlisle offers an oustanding proportioner as well.
Stop Using Big Machines for SmallTouch-ups
It is not only a wasteof time to use a mid-sized rig for touch-up work, but it can wear down yourhigh-volume machines more quickly. Instead of trying to make one machine do itall, add a few touch-up kits like the Touch N Seal U2-120 Spray Foam Kit toyour rig. If you prefer something that can be used in a variety of situations,the PMC PF-1600 has an output of 16 lbs. a minute and can also help you withsmall-scale jobs.
If You Need a Total Rehaul
It is often difficult totry to make your former setup work when your business has evolved. If you needa total redo of your current setup, explore our selection of the best custom spray foam rigs We have several solutions that work for different outputneeds from standard residential work to industrial roofing. We can also helpyou repurpose your old equipment or even buy your properly maintained usedequipment.
Spray Foam Equipment for Sale at Intech Equipment &Supply
Intech Equipment &Supply has been a pioneer in the Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) insulationsupply since 1995. We offer highly recommended spray foam equipment, mobilespray foam rigs, parts, education and training, troubleshooting, and post-salessupport. If you are interested in finding the best spray foam rigs, ourteam is ready to meet your unique equipment and accessory needs. Contact us.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.