Essential Equipment for Commercial Spray Foam Rigs

By Kevin Malone

The application of spray foam insulation has been a game-changer for both residential and commercial buildings. While many residential contractors can maintain a steady workflow with entry-level and mid-volume producing equipment, most commercial spray foam contractors need specialized spray foam equipment to handle large volume jobs.

Without the right equipment, contractors will experience delays, downtime, and frustration due to insufficient supplies or equipment. To prevent these problems which can reduce your productivity and profits, it is wise to choose the correct equipment for your commercial spray foam rig from the beginning.

Our customer service representatives can guide you towards the best decisions that will meet your unique contracting needs. We can help you with new or used equipment that can satisfy your desired daily volume requirements and price range. Every piece that we carry in our inventory is verified for functionality from manufacturers that we trust. 

Here is the must-haveequipment for your commercial spray foam rig:

1. A powerful Spray Foam Machine

Whether you pick a default rig or customizeyours to your heart's content, we highly suggest getting a spray foam machinewith some serious production power. These are some of our top recommendationsfor busy commercial contractors.

PMC has been in business for over 15 years and knows what works for both residential and commercial spray foam contractors. The company actively manufactures three machines that are suited for common commercial needs:

  • PHX- 25: This model offers a wider range ofcoating power compared to the residential-grade PMC machines. It is a greatmachine to explore for a commercial contractor that hovers between mid to highoutput jobs.
  • PH? 40: If you're a contractor whoconsistently does higher output roofing applications, this is our go-to pick.
  • PHX-40: This spray foam machine is apowerhouse for high output coatings of various types and has a performancepower similar to the PH-40.
  • Note: For touch-ups, the new PMC PF/PFX-1600 proportioner provides savings compared to single-use kits. When you don't want to bring out the big machines, this one can handle the small afterthoughts.

Graco is another brand that we often recommend to our clients. For high-output commercial jobs, we recommend hydraulic reactors. Graco hydraulic reactors provide consistent results and offer conveniences like the Graco InSite app, which allows operators to view data, diagnostics, and even control the machine remotely. Here are our top picks:

  • Graco Reactor 2 H-30: This machine is designed to maximize your productivity.Its extremely high duty cycle ensures that you cover the most ground everyworkday.
  • GracoReactor 2 H-40: This modeloffers more output than the H-30. It is also known for its durability, longlife, and dependability.
  • GracoReactor  2 H-XP2: This hydraulic proportioner offers an outputbetween 5.7 to 10.6 liters/ minute, which makes it a dependable machine forcontractors who fluctuate between mid-to-high volume work.

The productivity of your business highlydepends on your machine. Get one that requires less maintenance, is easy totroubleshoot, and can provide you the power you need to get the job done ontime.

2. Heated Hoses

Having a high-quality machine determines alarge part of your business's success, but you also need dependable accessoriesto keep your materials at peak condition. Heated hoses are a critical componentto ensure the best results. They keep your spray foam materials at the righttemperature to ensure the appropriate chemical reaction takes place.

  • Graco Hoses: If you use a Graco spray foammachine, we recommend that you use Graco hoses, though it is possible to useother compatible hoses. Graco manufactures specialized copper-heated hoses withGraco proportioners in mind. They are covered with proprietary butyl to protectthe materials against moisture and with foam insulation to retain heat.
  • Akurate Dynamics heated hose: This product is compatible with any machine, including Graco models. Its unique segmented heated-zone technology makes working in cold climates less stressful.

3. Other Parts and Accessories

It takes a winningcombination of equipment to make your commercial rig an efficient powerhouse.From the big-ticket items to the smallest details, everything works together toprovide a more efficient and productive setup.

Even something as simple as storage can make a lasting impact. When you store your equipment properly with accessories like the Graco Hose Rack Kit, you can keep your rig organized and protect your hose from premature frays, punctures, and damage that can cause delays.

There is so much more toyour rig that it would take a manual to describe all the valuable things toinclude. To get the main scoop on what spray foam guns, replacement parts,accessories, and other components that enhance the performance of your crew,give us a call. Wewe'll find you the right set up to protect all your equipment.

Commercial Spray Foam Rig For Sale

Intech Equipment and Supply is a full-servicespray foam equipment and parts supplier. With all the options you have, you cancustomize a highly efficient commercial spray foam rig with us.

Contact us. we'd love to connect with you about your commercial spray foam equipment, rigs, and accessory needs.

About Kevin Malone
Kevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.


Intech Equipment & Supply was founded in 1995, and has since grown to become the leader in spray foam equipment, mobile spray foam rigs, and parts supplier. With locations all across North America we are available when you need us most.
