Read This Before You Search for Used Spray Foam Rigs on eBay
By Kevin MaloneWhen you are operating ademanding spray foam business, how you manage your finances affects yourprofits and business's stability. Buying a used spray foamrig can get you functional gear at adiscount and get you through a tough season when full-priced rigs may be out ofbudget.
As you look online for deals, many options emerge in the search results. Among these are eBay listings that contain mobile spray foam rigs that the seller claims are 'new', 'like new' or 'just used a few times'. These listings can seem attractive for the price, but there are some significant disadvantages to buying rigs from sites like eBay. They have no post-sales support and it is difficult to verify the use history. So, you do not know the level of functionality and quality they offer.
A certified distributorlike Intech Equipment and Supply has a team of experts that can verify themaintenance history of any used equipment in stock. So, when it comes to buyingused equipment, working with a reputable dealer offers considerably more peaceof mind than buying from an unverified source.
Caveat Emptor, which means 'buyer beware' in Latin, applies to this practice of seeking discounts on an auction site as opposed to working with a verified distributor. Read this before you search for spray foam rigs for sale on eBay!
Most eBay Rigs are Local Pick Up Only
One of the biggestproblems with used spray rigs purchased on eBay is you often cannot have them deliveredto your door. Most of them are only available for local pickup. So, you must belucky enough to live near the seller or be willing to drive a long distance toget the items you purchased. Reputable distributors offer shipping throughout theU.S.
When you contact Intechto buy a used spray foam rig, you get a quote for shipping and handling beforeyou place an online order. Simply tell us which products you need and youraddress. Rush orders are possible at an additional charge, but you can have yourequipment delivered quickly to any location in the continental U.S.
No Post-Sales Support
If there is ever a problem with a product you ordered from Intech right after shipment, you can file a claim with FedEx. If there is any damage or missing items, we will assist within 10 days of delivery. There is no post-sales support on a spray foam rig purchased on eBay. Also, few listings include the phone number of the seller and each 'store' or seller ID has different numbers of ratings. In fact, some eBay accounts that currently sell rigs have zero reviews from any buyers. If a seller creates an account to list and sell one spray rig, there is little incentive to do provide post-sales support. The person can simply close the account because the rig was a final sale.
Since you are paying around$30,000 or more for a spray rig, you need to ensure your money is wellinvested. Used equipment that is not winterized correctly can containisocyanate buildup. In fact, this is one of the top complaints from buyers. Ifyou purchase a used rig online from an unverified seller you are on your ownwhen it comes to dealing with replacement parts and servicing. However, whenyou buy new or used spray foam rigs through a reputable distributor likeIntech, our expert team will ensure that the equipment you buy is in goodworking order and will work for the types of projects you do.
Can You Trust Their Word?
On eBay, you will see manylistings that say 'like new', or 'used? like new,' but how can you be sure? There are also no consistent standards ofproduct insurance among sellers. Some owners are willing to offer a demo, whileothers sell equipment as-is. The descriptions are also incomplete and lack importantinformation about the equipment's maintenance history.
'Rig built in 2019.Proportioner has processed 80 sets of foam' is an example of a listing on eBay.There is not much else to go by and you have to do a lot of investigation onyour own. It is up to you to message the seller and ask the right questions,request demos, obtain phone numbers and request a face-to-face meeting. Butwhen you buy from a distributor, all this groundwork is done for you, and theequipment is already vetted and ready for sale under uniform standards.
The listing prices thatprivate sellers set also can deviate from the item's true value. A reputabledistributor values used equipment based on how often it was used and itsexpected lifespan. Intech evaluates all used equipment using the same standardsand it is not listed for sale if it does not pass all of our quality controltests.
Used Spray Foam Rigsfor Sale At Intech Equipment & Supply
Intech Equipment andSupply offers the latest spray foam equipment, training, and comprehensivecustomer support. If you are interested in obtaining aused spray foam rig, speak with our sales team today. Also, takeadvantage of our convenient financing options. For more information, check outour financing calculator.
Contact us.Our team is ready to meet usedspray foam rig equipment and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.