Spray Foam Equipment Recommended by Experts | Intech
By Kevin MaloneAs with any industry with competing brands, spray foamcontractors have many choices when it comes to spray foam equipment. Each brandtouts the benefits of their product in hopes of making a sale, but what do thepros use? What proportioners, guns, and accessories stand the test of time andwhat products do seasoned spray foam insulation contractors recommend?
At Intech Equipment and supply, our customer service team is made of experts who have worked in the SPF industry. We know what products work, which ones break down, and which ones are worth your investment. If you're looking to outfit a new rig or supplement your existing supply of spray foam equipment, here are some of our top choices.
Custom Spray Foam Rigs
If you need the best combination of equipment and need some help to optimize your setup, getting our pros to outfit a custom rig for you is the quickest and easiest way to get started. Custom rigs are also excellent purchases for contractors who want to add turnkey equipment to an existing fleet. At Intech Equipment and Supply, we can make you a custom mobile spray foam rig that is built to your specs.
Our spray foam rigs start with a few standard pieces ofequipment such as the Graco E30 R2 proportioner, Graco heated hose, and RolairWheelbarrow Compressor. Though these are the standard items, we can switch outthe proportioner, hose, or compressor and add equipment with other advancedfeatures. Or, we can scale it back to make your rig tailored to an entry-levelcontracting business.
Spray Foam Machines
There are many kinds of Spray foam machines due to varyingapplication needs. A new, high-output machine that has many automated featureswill cost more than a used, low output machine that has basic features.However, for one contractor, the used machine may be enough for his needs,while a busy, well-established business will need to invest in the high-outputmachine.
Here some machines that we recommend at Intech:
- Graco Reactor 2 E30 is an intelligent machine that uses Graco's InSite technology, which allows users to track vital information like spray specifications and operation times from any mobile device. It also boasts easy maintenance and faster servicing than traditional machines.
- Graco Reactor E20 is the ideal machine for smaller commercial insulation jobs. It's also great for applying roof patches, window repairs, and rim joists. This portable reactor is on wheels so that contractors can easily transport it from one location to another to stay on task.
- PMC's PHX-55 or PHX-40 proportioners are both high volume spray foam machines that are designed to meet the rigorous demands of large commercial SPF projects. For contractors who need to cover a lot of ground in a day, these are the machines to buy.
Spray Foam Guns
Manufacturers have developed a variety of guns to meet therequirements for specific SPF applications. From slab jacking to roofinginsulation, contractors must carefully choose which gun is going to bestsatisfy their project's needs.
- PMC's PX-7Mechanical purge gun is trusted in the SPF industry for roofingapplications and in slab jacking projects. This lightweight gun can also handlehigh-output jobs with a hefty production rate of 50 lbs per minute.
- PMC AP-3 guns areboth lightweight, highly efficient air purge guns that provide 40 pounds perminute in output. These guns are designed to reduce user fatigue as well.
- Graco Fusion APis the most commonly used spray foam gun in the industry. It has ten different spray settings andvariable flow, which allows users to easily change spray patterns.
- Graco Probler P2is a classic, multi-use gun that is another favorite in the roofing insulationindustry. It is easy to handle and maneuver due to its lightweight design.
Spray Foam Accessories & Replacement Parts
It's nearly impossible to carry on with a successful SPF business without the right accessories and replacement parts on hand. In our online store, you'll find handy accessories and upgrades to your current equipment such as the Akurate Dynamics Deltalite Heated Hose, which tracks the pressure and maintains the heat of the material within it, preserving its quality in any weather. We can also help you make strategic replacement part purchases so that you will already have the parts you need instead of having to order and wait a day.
Spray Foam Equipment For Sale
Intech Equipment and Supply proudly sells the equipment onlyexperts recommend.
Contact us to see what's new and what custom spray foam rigs, machines, guns, and accessories can enrich your spray foam business.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.