Top 4 Reasons to Choose a Graco Machine
By Kevin MaloneMore people than ever are choosing spray foam for new construction projects and to re-roof or re-insulate existing structures. This choice is made in spite of the higher cost of polyurea insulation. This is because there are many long-term benefits of using spray foam like structural soundness, weatherproofing, and long-lasting insulation? which are well worth the initial cost.
In the spray foammarket, the quality of the equipment you choose determines your business'sfuture. Successful contractors must have a dependable machine that deliversconsistent performance. Without the possibility of excellent results, it willbe hard to please clients who desire quality spray foam insulation.
In this industry, one brand stands out as one of the most dependable manufacturers of spray foam machines: Graco. Here are the top 4 reasons to choose a Graco spray foam machine.
Reason #1: Quality Products
When contractors shopfor a spray foam machine, they naturally want one that works well. If yousearch for the gold standard in spray foam equipment, Graco is a name that willinevitably appear. This widespread positive reputation did not happen by chance.Graco has over 90 years of history and is a leading spray foam machinemanufacturer in today's market.
Graco has been a top player in the spray foam market and a major supplier of equipment that makes stunning results. Over time, the Graco machine has evolved to become more user-friendly, simpler to operate, and easier to maintain. Also, they constantly fine-tune their machines and spray foam guns to reduce downtime and maximize performance.
Reason #2: Versatility
Graco's high-qualitymachines meet the varying needs of different contractors. While some competingbrands offer just a few models that focus on a specific type of application,such as low-output residential, Graco has a vast range of products to helpmodern SPF contractors. This variety means that there is bound to be a machinethat is right for you.
If you want a small buteffective machine for medium-output residential projects, then the Graco E-20is known for its awesome value and performance. It is an electric machine so ithas more power than a smaller air-powered model, so it can handle standardsmall-to-mid scale jobs.
Full-time contractors in the commercial or residential realm can upgrade to the Graco H-25 or Reactor E-30 for additional power. For roofing, a hydraulic machine is best to not max out. In this class, the H-50 is a popular model, while the H-40 has less output but still does a great job. Every product is meant to offer great value for its price and meet contractors where they are in their business operations.
Reason #3: Responsive CustomerService
Buying a machine from anunknown manufacturer comes with certain risks like uncertain product qualityand customer service. This is why contractors prefer buying a machine from aknown manufacturer like Graco, which has excellent return policies, customersupport for troubleshooting, and many reps available for support.
When you buy from ourIntech Store as well, you can get some added benefits of speaking with repsfrom any of our 4 locations in the continental United States. This also ensuresthat replacement parts and in-person assistance are no more than a day or twoaway? and in your time zone. Also, many emergency parts and equipment can berushed on the same day.
Reason #4: Modern Improvements
Graco's models continueto improve with better designs to promote user-friendly troubleshooting,quicker maintenance, and less downtime. New machines are equipped withsolutions like remote control and reporting apps like the Reactor App. Thisapplication brings modern-day habits of using devices to control machinery intothe spray foam industry. It solves a long-desired need for the intelligent,remote tracking and operational control of spray foam machines.
Graco's newest models ofmachines, like the Reactor 2 H-30, also come equipped with software andhardware enhancements that ensure better spray performance. Since precisechemical reactions are required for spray foam, Graco's advanced controltechnology gives contractors peace of mind. It allows you to track, monitor,and save project data so that you know everything that is going on during theproject.
Innovations like these are just the tip of the iceberg for the typical Graco spray machine. To learn more, talk to one of our customer service specialists today.
Graco Machines for Sale
Intech Equipment and Supply is a full-servicespray foam equipment and parts supplier. We are a top supplier of Gracoequipment and would be happy to show you the best machines for your business.
Contact us. Our team is ready to meet your unique spray foam equipment, rigs, and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.