Which Spray Foam Machines Should You Consider?
By Kevin MaloneA dependable spray foam machine that meets your needs is an indispensable asset to your business. Our Intech website carries excellent spray foam machines for sale that our experts personally recommend.
The machine that we'd suggest for a contractor who specializes in concrete lifting won't be the same one we pick for an entry-level residential contractor. We assist our customers in finding the right machine for their needs? whether it's SPF roof coating, residential insulation, or slab jacking. Here are some of the top sellers at our online store that meet contractors with various SPF needs.
Entry-Level Machines
If you're a contractor who needs a portable spray foam machine for small, basic jobs, then an entry-level machine is a good pick for you. These machines are great for touch-ups, rim joists, and in places where portability is vital.
- Graco ReactorE-10: This low-draw electric sprayfoam machine can apply up to 12 lbs of spray foam per minute. It is highlyportable and can handle small jobs and touch-ups while allowing both cold andhot spray. We often recommend this spray foam machine to contractors who wantto save money on performing frequent touch-ups. Contractors who constantly use disposablespray foam kits spend 30% more on material costs compared to repeatedly usingthe Graco Reactor E-10.
- PMC PF-1600:The newest entry-level machine from PMC was introduced this year. Weighing only150 lbs, the PF/PFX-1600 series machine is ultra-energy efficient and portable.It uses pneumatic and heating technology to use less power. It can spray up to16 lbs per minute. It also has a user-friendly electrical console that is easyto troubleshoot and use.
- Graco ReactorE-20: If you need an entry-level machine with more power than the E-10,this machine is an excellent product. This plural-component sprayer bridges thegap between entry-level and medium output machines, making it a good item tohave for long-term use. It applies up to 20 lbs of spray foam per minute. It'sloaded with modern features that enable operators to easily troubleshoot andmaintain the machine for optimal equipment life, like digital heat and pressurecontrols and powerful hybrid heaters.
Mid-Production Machines
If a small machine isn't meeting your work demand, then amid-production machine may be right for your business. These spray foammachines are ideal for many applications, especially attics, small-to-midcommercial and residential jobs, and home insulation.
- Graco GusmerGH-2: This tough and reliable machine yields great performance at anunbelievable price. It is also a favorite among concrete lifters. It's alsoexcellent for contractors who apply spray foam to rim and band joists,commercial walls, roof insulation, and residential insulation.
- PMC PH-25: This is an excellent choice for contractors who specialize in residential foam insulation. Able to apply 25 lbs of spray foam per minute, it can easily tackle mid-sized residential and commercial jobs. The system's pressure balance control keeps the material at the optimal condition for the best results.
- Graco Reactor E-30: This is an electric spray foam machine that produces on the higher end of the mid-production class. It has next-gen technology that makes your work more convenient. The Reactor E-30 is compatible with the Reactor App that allows you to see real-time job activity and remotely control your machine through a mobile device. It is also a conveniently designed machine that is easy to troubleshoot.
High Production Machines
If you need a spray foam machine that can tackle massiveprojects, a high production machine is most likely to cover your bases. Thespray foam machines listed here are well-suited for busy contractors who dolarge industrial projects and roofing jobs.
- Graco ReactorH-50: In our store, the Reactor H-50 is the highest-output Graco machinethat we have in stock The H-50 produces a massive 52 lbs per minute. It's goodfor roofing, large commercial projects, and other demanding jobs.
- PMC PH-55: PMC also rises to the occasion with the PH-55 that produces an astounding output of 55 lbs per minute. It is also a good choice for massive industrial and roofing projects that need plenty of spray foam applied quickly. It is also an easily serviceable and user-friendly machine that is modern in every way.
Spray Foam Equipment for Sale
If you have been looking for the right spray foam machine for sale, contact us to see what's new in our online store.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.