Top Applications for the Leister Varimat V2
By Kevin MaloneThe Leister Varimat V2 is an automatic hot-air welding machine that has made the task of securing thermoplastic membranes more efficient than ever. Leister calls this model 'the new dimension of the roof' as it has addressed the common pain points involved with applying polymer roofing membranes.
The Leister Varimat integrates the latest findings in the plasticswelding sector while doubling the welding speed compared to the previous model.This advanced development saves roofers time by reducing the amount of timespent on the job. The sophisticated yet user-friendly controls also guaranteewrinkle-free welding under safe conditions.
If you're looking tosave time on your roofing projects, this is a product you should surely consider.
Here are the topapplications for the Leister Varimat V2.
Product Overview
The Varimat V2 is an automatic hot-air machine that welds polymer roofing membranes. It is made explicitly to weld plastic insulation sheets rapidly. The V2 is best known for being the fastest in the industry, its smooth ergonomics, and ease of use. This machine can weld at more than 8 meters per minute, depending on the material, granting it the highest welding speed in the world.
The V2 is intuitive to operate, easy totransport, and reliable in performance. It is also packed with safety featureslike automatic shut off if an improper voltage is detected.
Its features are highly desirable tocontractors who work with polymer membranes:
- A patented pressure roller toreduce unevenness
- Ergonomic guide bar for smoothhandling and to prevent back pain
- Maintenance-free blower withoutcarbon brushes
- User-friendly interface
- Its 'e-Drive,' an intuitive pressand turn control
- Ability to recall preset and savedsettings
- A closed-loop system that promisescontinuous welding speed
- Mounted on wheels for easy transport
These details areincluded in the new version's design to address the needs of roofers who dealwith the unique challenges of welding polymer materials on a large scale. Theadded conveniences that rectify pain points such as uneven application and slowprogress have been a great help to speed up the timeline of commercial roofingprojects in which every minute counts.
Top Applications for the LeisterVarimat V2
The Varimat V2 canhandle various material profiles. It is pre-programmed to weld differentmaterial profiles for different thermoplastic membranes. Naturally, this is an essentialtool for commercial roofers who need to reinforce and protect roofs withpolymer materials.
The Varimat V2 weldthese materials under preset conditions for optimal results:
Before welding, the usercan select a specific material profile. Then, the V2 will automaticallyconfigure itself to weld it properly. These preset conditions ensure the bestresults to eliminate wrinkles or gaps. Users can easily find all the presetoptions under the 'Profile' option that appears on the user interface aftertoggling the machine's e-Drive.
Handy Features
Leister placesergonomics on high priority for all its products, which is especially importantto the 77-lb Varimat V2. It comes in a sturdy wheeled transport case to protectit during shipment and wherever it goes after that. This construction meansthat you don't have to strain your back lifting the equipment to the job site.
The machine itself is alsomounted on wheels so you can roll it in and out of its transport case ? nocarrying required! The V2's handle also expands, compresses, and folds to packeasily into the case without taking up much space. The storage case also hasroom for small parts such as the hand tool unit for safekeeping. In this way,everything you need is on hand without any complicated storage methods.
Intuitive & Safe Controls
The Varimat V2 isdesigned to be safe and easy to use. The user display is larger than theprevious mode's interface, which makes it easy to set the temperature, speed,and airflow welding parameters. The machine also shows how long it will takefor it to reach the desired temperature for operation, which averages 3 to 5minutes. When it is time to turn the machine off, it is programmed to cool downfor a set time to ensure the most extended life for the equipment, whichaverages 4 minutes.
When it comes to bigjobs that need quick turnarounds without any lapses in quality, the Varimat V2is the ideal welder for the project.
Leister Heat Welders For Sale
Intech Equipment and Supply is a full-serviceequipment and parts supplier for various industries, including roofing andspray foam. To know more about the Leister Varimat V2 or any other hot airwelders, then reach out to our team of experts today.
Contact us. Our team is ready to meet your roofing equipment and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.