Top Equipment for Spray Foam Roofs
By Kevin MaloneWhen you insulate a roof with spray foam, you usually need to cover a wide area while the weather permits. This means that you need spray foam guns that are reliable, give a decent output, and require less maintenance. When you have a poor-quality gun that isn't designed for long-term performance, you'll be stuck troubleshooting problems that could have been avoided if you initially invested more in a better product.
Leadingmanufacturers like Graco and PMC are always improving on the status quo forspray foam roofing guns. Contractors are pleased to see guns contain fewerparts, become easier to handle, and weigh less. Heavy, bulky guns that requirea road map to disassemble and reassemble are becoming a thing of the past astop brands listen to what people like you want: less downtime and moresimplicity.
AtIntech, we stay on top of the best selections out there. Here are our top sprayfoam guns for roofing jobs:
GracoSpray Foam Guns
Graco is at the forefront of innovative spray foam gun manufacturing. This brand offers some great spray foam guns for roofing contractors that stand up to the test of time.
The Probler P2
Graco's Probler P2 is lightweight and easy tohandle, which makes it excellent for ambitious roofing jobs. It's also easy tomaintain and designed to keep materials out of the piston. Though it weighsjust 3 lbs, it has a maximum output of 40 lbs per minute, allowing contractorsto finish high-volume applications in a timely manner.
The Fusion SP
This gun is packed with convenient featuresthat work together to reduce user fatigue and increase your spraying time. TheFusion SP uses air purge technology to blast its tip to reduce the amount ofbuildup. This is a solution to a common problem that often interruptscontractors from completing a roofing job on time. Its ergonomic handle is alsodesigned to comfortably fit your grip so working for extended periods is easieron the body.
Fusion CS
Do you like the idea of saving an hour of cleanup every day? Then the Fusion CS is probably the gun for you. This gun usesdisposable ClearShot liquid chambers that are easy to replace to reducedowntime on the job. It has 10 different spray settings and a variable flowfeature that allows you to change spray patterns easily. This gun is especiallygood for roofing contractors because it can access the small areas betweenwalls and joists.
PMC SprayFoam Guns
PMC guns and machines are top-notch and should make a place in a serious SPF contractor's rig. Here are three PMC guns that we carry in our sprayfoam equipment store.
The AP-3
PMC just launched their newest gun, the AP-3, which is a fresh re-imagining of its previous model, the AP-2. It is one of the lightest air purge guns in the market, weighing only 2.4 pounds. Its lighter weight combined with its short trigger stroke work together to reduce user fatigue. When it comes to spray foam roofing applications, taking fewer breaks can make the difference between staying on schedule or falling behind.?
Also, if any parts get clogged or needmaintenance, the AP-3 has fewer parts than other air purge guns. In addition,it uses a replaceable one-piece cartridge instead of a complicated spool valve.This means maintaining and cleaning this gun is easier compared to traditionalair purge gun models.
The AP-2
If you want to save money and get an oldermodel that still runs great, PMC's AP-2 Air Purge Gun is still a good additionto your arsenal. It weighs just 2.6 lbs and many of its parts areinterchangeable with the AP-3, including the chamber, coupling block, and checkvalves.
At Intech, we offer various AP-2 packages tofit different specifications and application needs. Give us a call and we canguide you through different combinations of mixing chambers and pattern controltips.
The Star Gun
PMC also offers the Star Gun, which offersexcellent finish and mixing quality. It uses mechanical cleaning, whichcompletely cleans the reacted material inside the mixing chamber after eachuse. The Star Gun also has a powerful air cylinder that allows rapid valving.You can also adjust the spray pattern without changing the mixing chamber,which saves you even more time!
Spray Foam Guns forRoofing at Intech
AtIntech Equipment and Supply, we have the best spray foam guns for roofing applications.
Contact us to find out more about our excellent inventory and to be matched with the right products for your business.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.