The Truth About Buying Used Spray Foam Equipment & Rigs
By Kevin MaloneOperating a spray foam business requires goodmanagement and decision-making. Whether you are managing a team of contractorsor working solo, you must weigh the cost versus the benefit in every purchase.In an industry where success depends on precise chemical reactions and accurateapplications, the quality of equipment you use is important.
Buying second-hand tools and equipment is agood way to save money while getting the items you need to keep your businessoperational. Since used spray foam equipmenthas had previous owners, you avoid paying the factory-fresh price. However, thereare some caveats that you should be aware of before committing to buy. When youmake informed decisions, you can get good-quality equipment that will last along time. These are some truths about buying used spray foam equipment and rigs.
Truth #1: If you choosecarefully, you can save a lot of upfront costs and gain a valuable businessasset.
If you are handy, experienced, and know how towork with older equipment, you can find some good deals on usedspray foam rigs. There are also many machines available in like-newcondition that you can use to supplement your rig at a fraction of the cost ofbuying new. Look for pre-owned equipment with vetted maintenance histories thathas been tested or factory refurbished.
Truth #2: If you do not choose used spray foam equipmentcarefully, you will pay for it in delays.
If you start looking online, you will find used spray foam equipmentin forums, online sales exchanges, and more. But if you are not careful, youcan end up with equipment that has not been maintained properly. For example, theremay be chunks of hardened debris in a spray foam gun or 'Y' strainer.Crystallized materials built up on parts that were not cleaned regularly canwreak havoc while you are on a job and cause delays. Error codes can also popup due to a variety of problems such as worn motor brushes. This is notsomething many people think to check before purchasing equipment, but it willcost time and money to fix problems like this, which can throw you offschedule.
Truth #3: If you areinexperienced, it is better to choose new equipment.
If you are just getting started in the sprayfoam industry or are starting out on your own as a business operator, it is asafer option to buy new equipment. Spray foam equipment can be highly complexbecause it is constantly exposed to strong chemicals and requires frequentupkeep. Therefore, you must be confident in your ability to operate andmaintain it. If you have any doubt in your own know-how, it is a better decisionin the long run to invest in new equipment to minimize any potentialoperational and maintenance problems.
Truth #4: You should check forreplacement part availability before committing.
When buying used spray foam rigs and equipment, it is a good idea to do your research to find out how easy it is to find replacement parts. Generally, newer machines have more replacement parts available online and in suppliers' warehouses. Also, it is more likely that in-demand parts will be available for well-known brands such as Graco, PMC and Carlisle.
Overall, the older and more obscure a machineis, the harder it is to find parts. Though it may be up and running when youbuy it, you must consider how much you will get out of the upfront cost if youcannot find replacement parts. If you see used equipment that you like, callthe manufacturer and provide the model and serial number. Ask if parts arestill available for the machine and if there are any plans to discontinue them.If the outlook is good and you feel comfortable with the spray foam equipment inquestion, then you may have a match.
Truth #5: You should only buyfrom a place that checks used equipment.
Buying any used spray foam rigs and equipment is risky whenyou do not go through the proper channels. There is a big difference betweenbuying used equipment from someone you meet online versus buying from areputable company such as Intech Equipment and Supply. Intech doescomprehensive checks on used proportioners, compressors, electronics, and otherequipment. If an item does not pass its strict criteria, then we do not sell it.We are here to save you time and help you increase the value of your business.So we are dedicated to offering only top-quality used spray foam equipment.
Used Spray Foam Rigs and EquipmentAt Intech Equipment & Supply
If you are interested in purchasing used spray foam equipmentfor your rig, contactus today. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.