Turbocharge Your Business With a Spray Foam Rig From Intech
By Kevin MaloneIf your spray foam business needs a boost, getting better equipment can set you on the right track. A spray foam rig from Intech Equipment and Supply can be fully customized to meet your specific needs. When it is time to turbocharge your spray foam business, consider replacing your old or faulty equipment with dependable spray foam machines and spray foam guns from world-class SPF manufacturers like Graco and PMC.
Intech's Mobile Spray Foam Rig Solutions
You need the best equipment to take yourbusiness to the next level. We can build you a custom sprayfoam rig at our full-service facilities located in Arizona,California, Arkansas, and Texas. When we design your rig, we only use the bestparts and supplies and create a layout based on how you work and the types ofprojects you do. Our experts have hands-on spray foam field experience. So wepromise that you will love the result.
Upgrade to New Solutions
Many advancements have been made to make sprayfoam machines easier to operate, troubleshoot, and maintain during the past fewyears. The latest-generation spray foam guns are lighter, easier to clean andmore user-friendly than ever. The newest spray foam machines connect tosmartphone technology and have simple troubleshooting codes. New manufacturerslike Carlisle have also created their own product lines that promise evenfaster startups and operation speeds.
Upgrade to a Faster System
In 2020, Carlisle released its IntelliSpraySystem. It is made out of durable, industrial-grade hardware and the IS40Proportioner, ST1 Air Purge Gun, and QuickHeat Hose are user-friendly and reducethe risk of being off-ratio.
The IntelliSpray system addresses some commoncomplaints contractors have while applying spray foam such as being off-ratio,needing more heat, and frequent interruptions for repairs. When used as anentire set, the IntelliSpray system can warm up in under 15 minutes, produce5-15% higher yields, and save you up to 1 to 1.5 hours of labor per job. TheIS40's True Ratio Control feature allows greater than 99% ratio accuracy, andyou can also monitor the system remotely using your smartphone.
Get a Custom Spray Foam Rig
The best way to maximize your business is tocontact one of our experts to discuss your business goals. If the nature ofyour business has changed, you need to adapt your equipment to meet those needs.These are our three basic sprayfoam rig templates that can be easily customized to include theequipment of your choice.
- TheClassic Contractor: If you arebudget-minded and in need of a solid entry-level rig, then this setup is foryou. The Contractor Series can be towed behind any standard pickup withoutupgrading to a ?- or 1-ton truck. This rig is ideal for contractors who sprayup to two sets of spray foam per day. It is perfect for contractors who frequentlyinsulate small areas like attics and room additions, and it can serve as asolid backup spray foam rig.
- The Interstate: This professionally designed rig is suited for the 40+ hour workweek. Select the equipment package that meets your requirements, with everything from a PMC PH2 to Graco's high-powered H-series reactors. Everything comes built in a premium-quality, 16-foot extended height trailer, and the system is ready to go upon delivery. This rig also includes complimentary factory training.
- The ProSeries: When you need to produceextreme outputs, this sprayfoam rig can be customized to have a triple machine layout. Professionalquality is evident throughout this rig, with its multi-zoned climate controlsand a layout designed for optimal productivity.
For Tough Winters
If you work in an area where winters are longand cold, you know how important it is to keep spray foam insulation materialat the right temperature. Gear like Powerblanket industrial heating equipment ensureseverything operates smoothly. Its diverse selection of heating and curingblankets, industrial heaters, pipe heater wraps, diesel exhaust fluid toteheater systems, and other accessories will keep your spray foam rig and equipment at the righttemperature for optimal operation.
Carlisle's brand-new QuickHeat hose has a multizone design that preheats A & B materials separately. This hose also has embedded heater wires that float in the fluid stream to achieve over 100 F DeltaT. You will not wait for this hose to heat spray foam insulation materials to the right temperature for spraying.
Spray Foam Equipment for Sale at Intech Equipment &Supply
Intech Equipment and Supply offers the latest spray foam equipment, training, and comprehensive customer support. If you are interested in spray foam rigs for sale, speak with one of our experts today, and be sure to ask about our convenient financing options. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
Our team is ready tomeet your unique equipment and accessory needs. Contact us.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.