Want a Better Spray Foam Gun? Choose Carlisle.
By Kevin MaloneIf it has it been a while since you bought anew spray foam gun, and you are looking for dependability and reliability froma stable company, be sure to check out the Carlisle spray foam gun. At Intech Equipment and Supply, our team constantlymonitors the market and tests equipment from brands we trust so we know we areoffering the best to our clients. This is why we have recently started to offerCarlislespray foam equipment.
Why Carlisle?
The Carlisle spray foam system is a product line of Carlisle Construction Materials, a stable brand that has had a presence in the spray foam insulation market for 100 years. As part of its expansion spray foam equipment, Carlisle Spray Foam Insulation (CSFI) has introduced the IntelliSpray System, a complete, optimized SPF solution that consists of the IS40 Intellispray Proportioner, the ST1 Air Purge Spray Gun, and QuickHeat Hose. The system works together to increase job site yields and provide contractors with material savings. If you are looking for an air purge gun you may find that Carlisle's new ST1 is perfect for your needs.?
The ST1 Spray Gun
A legacy of advanced technology, dependable products, and corporate stability has produced the ST1, the first Carlisle spray foam gun. This award-winning model is designed to fit a human hand perfectly and be held comfortably for long periods. Not only is it one of the lightest air purge guns in the market, but it is also balanced and smaller than other spray guns in its class. The ST1's patented modular design also contains features that increase productivity, improve spray consistency and reduce downtime.
- Typical ST1 Properties:
- Max Fluid Working Pressure: 3,500psi
- Min. Air Inlet Pressure: 70 psi
- Max Air Inlet Pressure 130 psi
- Max Fluid Temperature: 200?F(93?C)
- Weight
- (without manifold) 2.38 lb
- (with manifold) 3.1 lb
- Dimensions 7.9 x 8.3 x 3.4 in
- Air Inlet Size: ? NPT
- Inlet Size ? A Component (ISO) 5 JIC;1/2-20 UNF
- Inlet Size ? B Component (resin) 6JIC; 9/16-18 UNF
If you need an air purge spray foam gun that iseasy to use, the ST1 spray gun will serve your residential and commercialproject needs. These are just a few reasons why you should add the Carlislespray foam gun to your rig.
#1: YouWant More Spray Time.
Carlisle knows that spray foam contractors arealways focused on meeting client deadlines. The better a spray foam gun works,the fewer interruptions operators experience. Therefore, it has equipped the ST1with features that help reduce downtime. For example, the quick-change mix tipsreduce the chance that overspray build-up will accumulate on the gun. The Carlislespray foam gun is also designed to handle high-pressure applications. Soyou can cover more ground in less time.
#2: YouWant A Lighter Spray Foam Gun.
The ST1 is designed to give you the mostcomfortable spaying experience possible. At just 2.38 lbs without its manifold,it is 10% lighter than its competition, which makes it one of the lightest airpurge guns available. This reduces sprayer fatigue and helps operators applyspray foam consistently because less effort is required to hold it for longintervals.
#3: YouWant A More Balanced Spray Foam Gun.
The ST1 is not just lighter and smaller thanother air purge guns. It offers greater operator control and less user fatigue,which means operators can spray for longer periods with more consistency. Ithas a winged handle that transfers the weight load from the fingers to the arm.This results in a more balanced weight distribution that reduces tension whileholding the spray gun during long applications and reduces the chance of userstrain and injury by allowing the entire arm to support the spray gun. Anoptional strap is included that can be attached to the gun so the operator'sfingers can rest when not holding the spray gun trigger.
#4: YouWant Application Flexibility and Versatility.
With multiple spray tip options that you caninterchange at any time, you can cover a lot of ground quickly or focus on difficultand hard-to-reach areas with more precision. There are also separate mixchambers that can be used with different tips to optimize material flow andpattern width. This ensures you get the right coverage and amount of precisionfor every area ? from large areas to small areas. This option to useinterchangeable spray tips gives you the ultimate freedom in deciding where andhow your spray foam will be applied.
Carlisle Spray Foam Equipment AtIntech Equipment & Supply
If you are interested in purchasing the Carlislespray foam system for your rig, contact our salesand technical experts. Also, remember that until December 2020, you can takeadvantage of our convenient financing options. For more information, check outour financing calculator.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.