What Can I do with Graco Coating Pumps?
By Kevin MaloneGraco has been an industry leader inprotective coatings sprayers for over 30 years because it offers a broadselection of reliable, durable sprayers at an incredible value. With a strongreputation for lifetime value, durability, high-pressure performance, andquality results,
Gracocoating pumps are used widely in roof coatings,fireproofing, waterproofing, painting, and other interior and exterior constructionapplications. When you use Graco spray pumpsyou save time and money because you spend less time on repairs and correctingapplication mistakes. These are some of the top applications for Graco coating pumps.
Expand Your Range of Applications
Graco spray pumps can handle a wide range of materials such as paint, epoxies and primers. Some models can even handle 100% solids and solvent-free coatings. In particular, the GH-933 can reach a 7,200 PSI max and can spray difficult-to-atomize materials like silicon and intumescents. This is a list of materials that a typical coating machine in Graco's GH series can apply:
- Acrylics, Block Filler, Coal Tar,Contact Cement, Elastomerics, Enamel, Epoxies, Fibered Aluminum Emulsion,Fibered Asphalt Emulsion, Mastics, Non-Fibered Aluminum Emulsion, Non-FiberedAsphalt Emulsion, Paint, Polyester, Polyurethane, Primer, Texture Mud, andWaterproofing materials.
Paint and Prime Like a Pro
If you have ever painted a room or building exterior by hand, you know how tedious it is to reapply paint or primer, roll, and repeat. But when you use a Graco spray pump, the process is much faster. Painting professionals agree that one pass with an airless hydraulic sprayer is equal to three to four passes with a traditional paint roller. Ultimately, it takes about ? of the time to paint a room with a Graco coating pump compared to using a hand roller.
When you figure that time equals money, youcan cover far more square feet with a Graco spray pump compared to traditional methods.Also, the evenly applied droplets that come out of the spray head create asmooth surface that can be more difficult to achieve when doing things by hand.
According to Frost & Sullivan, Graco is the highest-rated brand of paint sprayers, and it is preferred 7 to 1 over a sprayer of a different brand. So, if you want even better results than that of a typical sprayer, use equipment that will guarantee professional paint results.
You Can Apply Many OtherMaterials Quickly, Too
Gracospray pumps are not just big in painting but are alsouseful in countless other applications related to commercial and residentialconstruction. Whether you need to seal bricks with block fillers, apply fiberedasphalt emulsion to a roof or apply elastomerics and primers, a Graco sprayerwill cover much more ground than any manual effort. Also, many of thesematerials would be difficult or impossible to apply without a machine.
The even and steady spray of a Graco spray pump producesa smooth application for impressive results? every time. This assurance ofquality and speed is good for your bottom line, ensuring that you can earn morein less time.
You Can Do Pro-Level CommercialRoofing
When you need to apply roof coatings, using agas hydraulic airless sprayer is the most efficient method. Commercial roofsoften require elastomeric coatings that require higher pressures and flow rates.Graco produces many types of sprayers that can reach and exceed the minimumpressure and flow rate required for these types of coatings.
For instance, the GMAX II 7900 has become anindustry standard for spraying elastomerics and other residential andcommercial coatings. It belongs to the GMAX II product line which is known forits ability to handle heavier coatings, having the largest range of tip sizes,and handling long hose lengths. Since it is portable and easy to maintain anddesigned to detect problems like low oil levels, it is a convenient option forroofers.
Sprayers like the GH-733, GH-833, and GH-933 aresimilar in the range of materials they can handle, which makes them ideal forcontractors who work in diverse markets. For example, if you need to apply coaltar as a base, these machines can do it effectively. They can also applynon-fibered aluminum or asphalt emulsions that are often used in roofingprojects.
Intech Equipment andSupply offers the latest spray foam equipment, training, and comprehensivecustomer support. Contact usto learn more about Graco coating pumps and accessories. Also, take advantage of our convenientfinancing options. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.