Where to Find Top-Quality Spray Foam Equipment
By Kevin MaloneIn today's digital world, you can findcountless distributors with spray foamequipment for sale with just a few clicks or swipes. But in this sea ofonline searches, you'll find many sources of differing value. Results rangefrom individuals trying to sell used spray foam equipment on social media tovendors that sell everything from one massive warehouse.
How do you discern who you should buy from to ensure that your money goes toward a good investment? More importantly, how can you protect your business financially by finding a reputable vendor? Here is how to decide where to find the best spray foam equipment that will help you reach your contracting needs.
1. Look for real-worldexperience.
The first thing you should find out is if thedistributor has customer service agents that know what they are talking about.The broader one's inventory becomes, the chances are lower that the company hasdeep knowledge about every item. A business that focuses solely on spray foamapplications and the best equipment for the job is ideal.
At our Intech Store, you can find a carefully selected inventory of spray foam equipment and accessories that customer representatives can explain based on their actual experiences in the spray foam business. You can talk about different models of spray foam machines, which spray gun is going to serve your needs the best, and even find replacement parts for a piece of equipment that you need to repair. Ask for the same depth of knowledge from a store with a broad multi-industry inventory, and you may not have the same results.
2. Look for fast shipping andservice.
Before you buy a piece of spray foam equipment,check to see how quickly your items can get to you. If you buy from an onlineauction or private sale, there is no true guarantee besides a tracking numberthat the item is coming your way. Also, the timeline for when the item will beshipped to you is not based on any company standard.
When you buy from another provider, they mayoffer to ship, but they may have just one warehouse in the continental UnitedStates. If you happen to be close to the warehouse, you can get lucky and havethe item shipped to you quickly. However, if you're at the opposite end of thecountry, it can take days for the much-needed equipment to reach you, which canslow down operations and cause delays in your schedule.
Moreover, access to in-person help may beimpossible if you are located far from the business's main hub. To avoid theseunknown factors and inconveniences, pick a spray foam distributor, like Intech,that has multiple locations throughout the country so you get your itemsquickly and get great assistance from someone who lives in your timezone. Thiscan involve in-person help for setting up and using new equipment. IntechEquipment meets these critical standards to maximize customer satisfaction andproductivity.
3. Look for legitimate returnpolicies and warranties.
It's important to work with someone who isgoing to guarantee that the equipment works? and have policies that don't leaveyou high and dry if it doesn't. As you scout the various places you can buy spray from equipment from, you willnotice varying levels of 'safety' when it comes to aspects like:
- Return policies
- Warranties
- Getting solid advice on purchases
If the vendor cannot guarantee a satisfactoryamount of post-purchase protection for buying new spray foam equipment, it isbest to look elsewhere. Check to see if a warranty and good return policy isoffered to protect you against expensive repairs when the fault is not yourown. Also, a company that has experts who can help you make the right purchasewill ensure that you make the right decision the first time to minimize yourchances of returning items. These three aspects work together to protect youfrom losing money from a purchase that isn't right for your business, or fromthe chance of an unforeseen equipment malfunction.
4. Look for great service!
A company may have all the right know-how and shipping speed, but if the customer service is rude, standoffish, or in a rush to get you off the phone, it isn't the spray foam distributor for you. You need customer service that is patient, understanding, and willing to take the time to get you the products you need or help you resolve a problem with your existing spray foam equipment.
Spray Foam Equipment For Sale
Though you can find spray foam equipment in many places, there are few providers who can advise you correctly. This experience is why you should buy from Intech Equipment and Supply.
Contact us for the best advice on spray foam equipment for sale in the US.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.