Where to Find the Best Spray Foam Insulation Machines for Sale
By Kevin MaloneWhen you are looking for a spray foam insulation machine for sale, Intech Equipment and Supply is your one-stop shop for all of your spray foam insulation machine needs.
Getting the right equipment is crucial to your success. Depending on the types of jobs you do, the output you need, and the rig you need, there are plenty of choices on the market. Our qualified technicians have years of field service using spray foam equipment and can help you find the perfect fit for your business.
Here are some of the things you will want to take into consideration when looking for spray foam insulation machines for sale.
How Will the Equipment Be Used?
Different jobs have different requirements. For example, commercial roofing requires a powerful spray foam insulation machine to apply a high volume of materials and hold up in extreme weather.
Commercial roofing often required the application of closed-cell spray foam that is resistant to high winds and provides excellent weatherproofing. Residential work may use both open-cell and closed-cell foam to help with structural integrity and resist pests. The right spray foam insulation machine is more likely a machine that handles a moderate amount of volume well. If you do slab jacking and need to apply foams to lift and stabilize heavy materials, you may be better off with a different type of proportioner that works best for lifting concrete.
You can trust the experts at Intech Equipment and Supply to help you find the right spray foam insulation machine for sale that will meet your needs.
What Output Do You Need?
The volume of work you do and the amount of materials you need to apply also make a big difference in the machine you choose. If you work on smaller projects or use your equipment sporadically, you may be fine with a smaller or entry-level machine. However, if you are doing large projects or using your equipment constantly, you may opt for a more powerful hydraulic spray foam insulation machine.
When you are considering spray foam insulation machines, you will want to balance your current workload with cost, keeping in mind how you may expand your use in the future.
What Type of Rig Will You Need?
There are also several options you will want to consider when it comes to the type of rig you choose.
For example, towable trailers are one of the most popular choices for contractors. You can find towable trailers in a variety of sizes to fit your needs. You can save money versus investing in a box truck and using your own vehicle. It is also easy to switch to another truck to pull it if you need to take your vehicle out of service for maintenance. Mini-trailers are also available for small-scale applications, starter rigs, or as a supplement to an existing rig.
For maximum power and space, box trucks are also available. Box trucks are common for SPF contractors that are doing high-volume, full-time insulation work.
Should I Buy Used or New Spray Foam Insulation Machines?
If you have limited resources or limited use, some contractors will consider going with used spray foam insulation machines. You can save on the upfront costs by buying used, but you need to be very careful to evaluate the quality of the spray foam insulation machine for sale.
You do not want to buy someone else’s problem. You want to make sure it has been thoroughly tested and is durable enough to provide an effective solution for years to come. You will also want to check on the availability of replacement parts.
The distributor you choose will make a difference. Many of the used rigs on sale online are sold as-is. This means you do not know about the quality you are getting or whether they have been inspected and tested.
Intech Equipment and Supply lists used spray foam insulation machines for sale, but only after they have been thoroughly tested. The Intech Equipment and Supply technicians put used equipment through the paces to make sure everything works as advertised.
Spray Foam Insulation Machines for Sale at Intech Equipment & Supply
Intech Equipment and Supply can help you find the right spray foam insulation machine for all of your needs, regardless of the size or volume of work you do. Talk to the expert sales team at Intech Equipment and Supply today, and let us help.
You can also take advantage of convenient financing options.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.