Why More Contractors Depend on Graco Spray Pumps
By Kevin MaloneAt Intech Equipment and Supply, we carry equipment that aids contractors in diverse areas of work. Though we often focus on spray foam, we also have experts who understand other types of fluid-handling products, like the Graco GH-series of spray pumps. These Graco spray units are useful for applying materials that are typically hard to atomize but are crucial for high-quality commercial applications.
For instance, a Graco sprayer can applyarchitectural coatings to roofs, bridges, and watercraft. The coatings serve asa barrier to fire, water, and air leakage to protect a wide range of surfaces.Some models of Graco machines are also powerful enough to not require an additionalair compressor to work. Here are some more reasons why contractors depend on Graco spray pumps.
Graco Spray Pumps: The Gold Standard
In residential and commercial construction, Graco products have long been the gold standard for desirable equipment. For over 30 years, the GH series of Graco hydraulic sprayers have been delivering promising results. Both versatile and powerful, contractors can rely on a GH-series pump to apply some of the industry's most challenging materials.
These powerful machines can generate the highpressure and flow rates required to atomize certain materials and in situationswhere heavier coverage is needed. This is an overview of some of thebest-selling GH Graco spray units at Intech.
Graco GH 733ES
Contractors who seek a balanced and versatilespraying system appreciate the GH 733ES for its power and dependability. Thisgas-hydraulic spray unit runs on a powerful Honda? engine with an electricstart. Its heavy-duty hydraulic system performs like one would expect ? withhigh-precision pressure control ? and allows a faster changeover. Its coolerand blower system keeps the equipment in stable condition even when workinghard.
The GH 733ES also has a convenientmultifunction design in which it can convert to a skid mount in seconds, so youcan transport it anywhere safely. Easy to troubleshoot with quick-to-changepumps and an easily removable intake valve, this sprayer has the busycontractor's needs in mind.
Graco GH 833
If you work with a wide range of materials andtypically do high-production jobs, then the GH 833offers the power and versatility you need. It is a preferred choice forprofessional contractors for its excellent combination of performance,ruggedness, and value.
It has similar specs to the 733 ES, such as 4gallons per minute, 13 horsepower, and a max pressure of 3300 PSI. This modelhas a thoughtful flow-through filter system and an inside/out design thateliminates clogged filters and tip clogs. Overall, its design is intuitive totroubleshoot and made for the busy contractor.
Graco GH 300
This hydraulic airless sprayer is another versatile pump that is hailed as one of the best Graco sprayers on the market. The GH 300 is considered to be one of the most powerful hydraulic sprayers available and comes recommended to high-production contractors.
It can also spray a variety of materials suchas acrylic, elastomerics, drywall mud, primers, paints, and more. This model iseasy to troubleshoot since it comes with the Graco ProConnect setup, whichmakes it possible to replace the pump in a minute or less.
Graco GH 933
If you need a sprayer with impressively highpressure to atomize even the most challenging products, the GH 933will become a powerful ally for you. In fact, it is known as one of the mostpowerful hydraulic sprayers in the industry.
This model is designed to handle hard-to-atomizematerials and jobs that require high flow rates and heavier coverage. The GH933's maximum output is 2.5 gallons per minute, allowing steady, even coating.It also has 13 horsepower and a maximum pressure of 7250 PSI!
A Variety of Applications
All Graco spray units can typically handle a wide array of materialslike acrylics, block filler, coal tar, contact cement, roofing elastomerics,enamels, epoxies, mastics, non-fibered and fibered aluminum and asphaltemulsions, paint, polyester coatings, primers, texture mud, and waterproofingmaterials. If you have a material in mind but want to make sure the Graco spray pump you areconsidering buying can handle it, then contact an expert at Intech Equipmentand Supply today.
Get Graco and Be Satisfied
Why gamble with cheap competitors when thetried-and-true has proven results? Upgrade your rig today and free your aircompressor by getting an all-in-one powerful Graco spray pump. With its wide range ofapplications, it can expand your business to other profitable areas such aspaint application, waterproofing, and other high-demand coatings. A Graco spray unit issuitable for both residential and commercial applications and is a valuableaddition to your business.
Graco Spray Pumps for Sale at IntechEquipment & Supply
Intech Equipment and Supply offers the latest spray foam equipment, training, and comprehensive customer support. If you are interested in buying Graco spray pumps, speak with our sales team today. Also, take advantage of our convenient financing options. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
Our team is ready to supportyour spray foam equipment needs. Contact ustoday.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.