Why More Contractors Choose Graco Spray Foam Machines
By Kevin MaloneIn recent years, requests for spray foaminsulation have soared in light of the material's excellent benefits tobuildings. Spray foam's lightweight, strong, and durable nature make it idealfor coating commercial roofs, insulating attics, lifting concrete, and waterproofingareas that are vulnerable to leaks. Since the demand for these solutions ishigh, more contractors than ever need dependable SPF equipment to dooutstanding work.
This is why more contractors choose a Graco spray foam machine for their SPF business. The high-quality and dependable performance of Graco spray foam machines assures the most uptime, easy troubleshooting, and consistent, accurate results that contractors depend on to complete a job. This quality alone has made Graco spray foam machines preferred over other brands.
Seasoned pros look to Graco proportioners,guns, heated hoses, and other rig components to power their SPF rig. Thisreputation as an industry-standard did not happen by chance, but it was thefruit of many years of hard work and dedication. Check out a few more reasonswhy contractors choose Graco spray foam machines for their business.
Graco's Expertise Makes Them anIndustry Leader
Graco has been making spraying equipment for various industries since the late 1920s. Contractors in the painting, insulation, mining, aerospace, agriculture, and weatherproofing industries have found great value in having Graco equipment. Graco is best known for manufacturing pumps, paint and foam sprayers, and other liquid-handling equipment that are relied upon across various industries.
Spray foam contractors have especially found many benefits in choosing a machine that is manufactured by a company with decades of experience in many industries.
Graco equipment continues to be the gold standard of quality, durability, and performance that few other companies have been able to be astride with. Since Graco is an expert in fluid-application systems, its spray foam machines are top-notch. In fact, Graco is one of the industry's pioneers and has used its expertise to make some of the most advanced and dependable spray foam machines based on its vast manufacturing knowledge.
Resilient Equipment in HarshEnvironments
Graco was founded inMinnesota, which is known for its cold winters. The problems air-powered greaseguns faced in cold weather prompted Leil and Russell Gray to form Gray Company, Inc,which would later become Graco after subsequent acquisitions. Knowing that theenvironment plays a real factor in the work of contractors, Graco has neverlost touch with its roots as an operator in the field in all seasons.
This is why Gracoproducts are made to last in extreme weather. Their high-quality results areconsistent even in the height of summer or the cold of winter. Before Gracoreleases new products, the company tests and engineers its Graco spray machines, guns, and accessories to make sure they are reliable inthe harshest environments. Solutions like heated hoses, easy QR codetroubleshooting, and technology to assure proper ratio and pressure conditionsall contribute to this top-quality resilience around the year.
Smart Equipment That MonitorProgress
Successful spray foamapplications are the result of precise conditions being met to create achemical reaction. All the components of a spray foam rig must work together tokeep the material components in the right conditions to assure the spray foamcomes out correctly. If the ratio, pressure, or temperature is not correct inany of the stages of SPF creation, the results can be poor-quality and cost theoperator money and even the trust of a client.
Graco understands howmuch is at stake for its customers and has therefore equipped its products withsmart features to prevent common SPF problems from occurring. These systemsinform operators, which empowers them to make swift decisions to preserve theintegrity of the project.
Here's just one exampleof the many smart features Graco integrates into their equipment.
- ResistanceControl Mode: Graco's heatedhoses do a lot of the hard work in keeping materials at the right temperaturefor processing. Resistance control mode (RCM) is the temperature controltechnology in Graco's heated hoses that can be used with all Reactor 2 sprayfoam machines above minimum software conditions. This allows you to control thetemperature of the heated hose without using a fluid temperature sensor or anRTD cable. Being able to skip those steps and control the temperature easilyreduces repair costs, increases performance, optimizes material yields, andallows you to have more control over keeping materials in prime condition.
Graco Spray Foam Machines For Sale
Intech Equipment and Supply is a full-service equipment and parts supplier SPF equipment and is a top distributor of Graco products. If you would like to know more about getting a new Graco machine or any other spray foam equipment, then reach out to our team of experts today.
Contact us. Our team is readyto meet your unique SPF equipment and accessory needs.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.