Why a WINCO Generator is So Important for SPF Contractors
By Kevin MaloneWhen the topic of spray foam or roofingequipment comes to mind, magazines and forums often discuss the latestequipment models. However, without a steady power source, none of thisequipment would work. When shore power is not available, busy contractors mustprovide their own power. This is why generators are the unsung heroes of acontractor's rig and deserve more attention.
In particular, WINCO generatorsare one of the top picks at Intech Equipment and Supply. When your job is outof sight, where electrical service is not available or convenient to access,then a portable generatoris your key to staying productive even in the most inhospitable areas. Here aresome reasons why a WINCOgenerator is so essential for SPF contractors like you.
WINCO, Inc. began in 1927 and still operates on its core value: to 'be honest in our dealings while producing value for our community.' As a small company in Minnesota, it has never let go of its deep roots and loyalty to its staff and customers. While managing to not lay off a single employee since 1991, WINCO has also unveiled impressive new generators during the past 13 years. These models have further optimized how contractors power their equipment.
New product lines like The Dyna series offeraffordability and small-scale use for homeowners, while the Industrial Series(also known as the 'Big Dog Series') includes the new WL18000VE portable generator, oneof the largest and most powerful in its class. When you want to operateequipment from a company with integrity and commitment to doing good, you cantrust WINCO.
Why Are GeneratorsImportant?
Generators are important because they offer aguaranteed source of power. While spray foam machines may run on shore powerwith a three-phase or single-phase power cord, this only works when there isaccessible power. There will also be times when you will not have poweravailable on-site, or it is not where you need it. Having a generator on handwill save you time and money. Since most spray foam equipment needs to bepowered by electricity, having a generator in your rig is a basic element tostay productive.
Be sure to pick a generator that can providethe amount of power you need. If you need to run multiple systems like acompressor, air dryer, and AC/heat in your rig, your generator should bepowerful enough to handle the power required for all of its components. Ouronline store offers a wide assortment of generators at diverse price ranges tooffer the specs you need ? and at a price that fits within your budget.
What Type of Generator?
Not sure what type of generator to get? Ask aprofessional salesperson from our team today.
Overall, you must ensure that your rig getsenough electricity to smoothly operate all electronic components. An adequateflow assures property temperature control, smooth console functions andcommunicativeness, and responsive on/off switches. A steady power source isalso necessary to properly process spray foam materials under the rightconditions. If you want to be 100% sure of your choice of a generator, speakwith our sales team today.
Things to Look for in aGenerator
When selecting a generator, consider importantfactors like how the generator runs, how much power you need, and the level ofmobility you need. By narrowing down these key needs, you can easily find agenerator that fits your criteria.
- Type of fuel required: Though most models are diesel generators, do your research to confirm the fuel type. Also, check how easy it is to refuel the generator. Does it connect to a fuel pump or does it need to be filled manually from a canister?
- Size of the tank: How big is the tank and how long can the generator run on that tank? The newest models of WINCO generators come with more fuel-efficient engines for maximum run time.
- Stationary or portable: Do you need a big generator that stays in your rig or do your jobs require more portable solutions? We have both stationary and portable generators in stock for your needs.
- Power required: Your generator should be up to speed with your equipment. For instance, a three-phase system will need a single-phase power supply. The mid-production Graco E-20 can do well with a smaller generator like an 18KW or 22KW unit, while the Graco E-30 needs a little more muscle from a larger 30-45KW generator. These recommendations may also change according to factors such as additional equipment in your rig that requires more power.
We have both new and used generators at IntechEquipment and Supply. Whether you need a big generator for high-powered jobs ora backup power source, we can help you make a final decision that you areconfident about.
WINCO Generators for Sale atIntech Equipment & Supply
Intech Equipment and Supply offers the latest spray foam equipment, training, and comprehensive customer support. If you are interested in obtaining a WINCO generator, speak with our sales team today. Also, take advantage of our convenient financing options. For more information, check out our financing calculator.
If you want more information on WINCO portable generators, please contact us.
About Kevin MaloneKevin Malone is a leading expert in the spray foam insulation industry with 34 years of experience in spray foam fluid handling and a passion for innovation. He currently offers his extensive knowledge to Intech Equipment and Supply customers by supporting them in selecting quality spray foam equipment to optimize their business. Learn more about Kevin here.