Air Bags
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The Air bag set up is unique in that it simplifies and streamlines your blower system operation process. Blower fans can be accompanied by many separate parts, making transport and set up challenging - especially if one piece of the puzzle becomes misplaced. With the Air blower air bags by Allegro Industries, set up is all in one unit for easy operation.
Choose from the 8 inch or 12 inch air blower, each accompanied with 15 feet of
heavy duty ducting. The ducting and metal blower fans are housed in their polyester cover bag, providing a grab a go operation. The unique and convenient zippered ends on the polyester bag allow you use the air blower without having to remove the blower from the bag itself. Additional zipper access also provides for inlet / outlet for the power cord. The Air Bags by Allegro industries are simple to carry, and even easier to store.
The included fan in the air bag is a
nine blade, propylene fan with a grill and housing that is steel powder coated. The carry handle features a molded two – speed switch with 60 HZ - For the 8 inch fan, 1.4 amps and for the 12 inch, 3.8 amps. Included ducting is a polyester vinyl blend, single ply that is lightweight and PVC coated. The ducting is yellow and features black wear strips – with an integrated nylon strap attachment on one end.
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confined space and air blower options from Allegro Industries and other leading manufacturers, ensuring your selection is a great option for today and for the long haul. The Air Bag systems offer a unique and convenient solution – but if not sufficient power or ducting, shop the many other available options. For assistance, contact Intech Equipment and Supply online, in person or by phone.