12 Months 0% Interest

Need a new spray foam rig, but don't have the capital? We are now offering special financing to help you grow your business. Approval required, please contact your sales rep today for more information.


Kwik Booth

Without an enclosure system in place, over spray during the application process can cause damage to surrounding roof top areas and can cause expensive delays. Prior to the development of the Kwik Booth System, costly, rigid enclosures were the norm. Contractors had to fight through set up, and storage and transport were a nightmare. The affordable and simple solution that Kwik Booth offers is a no brainer – and you can continue to move through the application process with ease. Transport of the Kwik Booth is easy, thanks to two semi-pneumatic wheels that allow for ultimate maneuverability. With reinforced steel supports on each corner, the Kwik Booth is built to stay in place once set up is complete.

The system is also unique in that it features disposable, fiberglass mesh screening that is standard and easy to replace. Toss the screening after each use, and simply start fresh on the next job site for a fraction of the cost of comparable enclosures. Affordability is further achieved with the versatile frame design – While not included in the enclosure system, simply use 2x2 standard wood and make the enclosure the size that best fits your needs. Set up from start to finish will typically take only about 10 minutes!

When it comes time to clean up the job site and move the enclosure, simply collapse the Kwik Booth for transport. For polyurethane spray roofing and much more – Shop the Intech Equipment online store for expert roofing materials, equipment and supplies located in one easy place! Order your Kwik Booth enclosure today!


Intech Equipment & Supply was founded in 1995, and has since grown to become the leader in spray foam equipment, mobile spray foam rigs, and parts supplier. With locations all across North America we are available when you need us most.
