Axial Blowers
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When working in any type of a confined space it is a must that you have some sort of ventilation setup in place to supply air to workers. Depending on the type of setup you choose, it can change the required CFM that is sufficient for the application. Allegro Industries manufacturers a variety of axial fan models to accommodate any and all setups. An axial blower fan is one of the more common and relatively cheaper setups that you can use for ventilation in a confined space.
An axial fan operates differently than a
centrifugal blower, in an axial fan the air is pulled over the top of the motor, and is generated by a moving blade fan. This type of air source can be set up to extract air from a confined space, or to push air into a confined space. Blowers can be purchased alone or opt for a set up that already has the ducting included and attached. This is an extremely convenient and easy to set up, easy to tear down, and very light weight option.
Axial fan blowers are available in several models, including explosion proof, standard and high output as well as sizes covering 8 inch, 12 inch, 16 inch, and 20 inch fans. Depending on your
jobsite demands, select from electric or
propane fueled motors, and then choose whether or not to include the canister and ductwork with the unit or separately. For assistance in selection or product matching, and to make sure that the required CFM is going to be sufficient, please contact our product technical experts.
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long term air supply solution for your crews’ work in confined spaces, and have the freedom and flexibility to bid on jobs that require confined space work. Shop online or by phone, with Intech Equipment staff available to assist you before, during and after your purchase.